We have been through the wars in this house this week with a stinking dose of gastro affecting every member of the household! But after a couple of days of loafing about at home we're all back to normal.

Nothing a little dancing to Hi-5 won't fix!
Before we succumbed to the nasty bug, we had a very busy Sunday with two big family functions during the afternoon.
The first was a large gathering at a park with my Mother's family to celebrate what would have been my late Grandfather's 100th Birthday. My Aunt has put together an amazing booklet filled with our family history dating right back to the 1600's. I discovered that aside from English, Irish and Scottish ancestry, my maternal Great Great Great Grandfather was an American. Would you believe I share a common ancestor with the current President of the USA!
From there we rushed off to McClelland Park. My Brother-in-law Nik was one of 35 finalists in the McClelland Sculpture Award whose winner was announced shortly after we arrived. Sadly I missed the announcement as the little darlings needed to go to the toilet!

We did a brief wander around the gorgeous park but everyone was wilting under the very, very hot sun.

After checking out Uncle Nik's work 'We Refugees', we decided to take off.

The sculptures will be there until July so if you are in Melbourne go and have a look. It really is a beautiful gallery and park and the sculptures are wonderful.
I have found some time to do a little bit of crafting.

This is for my other Brother-in-law's girlfriend whose Birthday party we're off to tomorrow night.

Carol is a beautiful Lebanese girl so I wanted to make something really striking. The floral is from one of the new Kaffe Fassett fabric ranges which are just stunning.

I have many projects underway including aprons, christmas ornaments and other gifts and will hopefully have more to show you soon. Enjoy the weekend!
Sounds like you had a lovely day out. Sorry you've all been ill. I liked the tailor's dummy in the background - it looked like it was joining in! That's a fabulous bag. What do you put inside the handles to make them stiff?
Wish I was in Melbourne to visit the park and soak up the hot hot sun. Not much of that here at the mo!
Cathy XX
What a beautiful bag - the stripes just make it POP!
Louise, you poor thing - gastro is just the worst thing. Hope you got some rest. Mum's usually don't.
Love that bag - the colours are just gorgeous.
Oh no! Guess the gastro bug is going around at the moment. Glad its done with now.
Fab bag! You've got some great fabric combos there.
Louise, I love this bag it looks fab and Carol is a very lucky girl, I'm glad I'm on your Christmas list. McClelland Park is great fun and the girls look like they really enjoyed it. So nice to see the three of them dancing to Hi5 all together.
What a gorgeous handbag you made! I absolutely love those fabrics!
The sculptures in the park look like so much fun! And I chuckled when I saw your girls dancing to Hi-5, because it looks like a scene straight from my house! My youngest children love that show!
Louise that bag is beautiful -- love the color and the black and white to go with it. Cute picture of the kids -- and just look at all those great windows -- with all that light, no wonder you make such fabulous creations!
the bag is so pretty, the details etc..i love it and I'm sure it'll be a welcome gift.
That bag is gorgeous.
The sculptures aren't too shabby either!
wow my dear your such a powerhouse!sorry to hear about the sickness, looks like it hasnt slowed you down too much!love the bag dosnt the black and white set it off!??!
OH NO - GASTRO!!! We have managed to avoid that in this house since last Christmas day when Christmas lunch was either not touched or found its way all over us!! I hate Gastro!! Glad you are all better and what a great bag!! Beautiful indeed! Brugge is beautiful isnt it - This was my second trip there and it is just one of those "must do" places!
I just love the bag - the colours are fabulous together!... you have a real eye for colour - I would never have thought to put those two together - it looks wonderful!!!
Have a great day and glad to hear you are all feeling better.
Warm thoughts to you all!
Must take a drive and have a look at Mcclelland Park sometime - could be a good day out over the summer.
Love your blog Louise
Hi Louise, that bag looks beautiful. What fantastic fabric. Glad that you're all feeling better, my youngest is off school today with tummy ache and sickness. She loves HI 5 - will see if they might help! Love the sculptures too
Kim x
Your bag is just lovely. I hope the birthday girl likes it.
I love McClelland Park. We used to have lots of family functions there when I was little.
I LOVE THAT BAG!!!! Beautiful...such pizazz! Sorry about the yuckies! My boys love Hi-5 too!
That bag is STUNNING!!! What a lovely gift. Those sculptures look like great fun to play and admire... SOmetimes I miss Melbourne...
Glad to read you're all feeling better and dancing to Hi-5 is a common thing to do around here too...
Thanks Louise for your empathy re sad swap stories - maybe we should run a missing swap site, or maybe do a self-swap and then act all surprised when we receive our (own) quilty thing in the mail - just kidding; I'm getting silly here. I had never heard of McClelland Park, but it is on my list of school holiday to-dos.
oh louise! that bag is gorgeous!!!
the colors are incredible!
what a cool cool display!! congrats to your brother-in-law!
can you believe we still watch hi-5 in this house. we love to sing to that song!
oh, and you are so lucky that there is someone in your family to take an interest in ancestry! very cool that you have some american blood in you! :)
What a georgous bag. I love it! Hi 5 is good therapy. I used to do the housework to it!!
Glad that you're all back to good health there's nothing worse then that dreaded gastro bug.
I just love the bag... The fabrics that you've used are gorgeous. Can't wait to see all of your other projects completed!!
Hi Lululollylegs, what a great name, wish I thought of that one, mine does seem a bit twee. Nice to have you visit my blog, I didn't know I had a twin the other side of the world! Glad you are now bug free. I would love to trace my ancestry but it takes a lot of time and determination, how lovely to be able to trace your family line back to the 1600s, how many people can say that. I love sculpture, I wish I had lots of money to buy some. We are visiting Australia for the first time in January next year, but unfortunately Melbourne is not in our itinerary so no trip to the lovely park I am afraid. The bright colours in your handbag are gorgeous, I would love to receive it as a present. Will look in again to see your next projects. Louise x
ohhhh you've been busy! I love the bag and love kaffe so might have to check out the new range!
oh your bag is simply stunning!!! gorgeous :)
Oh my, this is a stunning juxtoposition of fabrics! I can tell I am going to have to blame you for me spending too much time on the computer... So much to see on your blog!
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