At the start of last year I participated in a mini-swap and was lucky to be matched with Ali. Being the endlessly encouraging person that she is, she finally convinced me to take the plunge and start my own blog. Well thank you Ali as it has certainly been one of the most rewarding and personally satisfying projects I have ever undertaken.
It has been an amazing year and I have achieved such an enormous volume of work, made some fantastic friends, been offered a wonderful job and now I'm even starting up a business with a fellow blogger!

A little while ago I was tagged by Florence with this archive meme. I thought it was a good opportunity to save it for today and go back over the last year's posts.
So here goes:
Archive Meme Instructions: Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you’ve written. … but there is a catch:
Link 1 must be about family.Link 2 must be about friends.Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are… what you’re all about.Link 4 must be about something you love.Link 5 can be anything you choose.
Family: Post Holiday Chaos. I know that the start of this post indicates much madness and mayhem, but I think it's a good reflection of just how crazy life with three young children is. One minute you can be enjoying a lovely holiday and the next you've got twenty different activities to go to and a sick child. The holiday was really lovely though and it's about time I started planning where we're off to this September.
Friends: Friends+Fabric=Fun. This post describes my first meeting with my gorgeous friend Cathy. And now here we are both working at Amitie and starting up our own business together. It's such a lovely rewarding friendship and it's all because of blogging and an apron swap!! And did you know that we just discovered that our Mothers went to primary school together - I just knew we were meant to be friends.
Myself: A day for Me. I have realised looking back through my posts that I don't actually write a lot about me and what goes on in my head. I tend to just show you things I make or write about my children. I think this post describes how I feel a lot of the time - way too busy. I don't get a lot of time to do things for myself or indeed time by myself and this was such a lovely day. I have to admit I have not made time to have a hair cut since and it is well overdue again.
Love: Cheers! A celebratory post about my darling husband's Birthday and our wedding anniversary. It was fun to post those photos as I so rarely get to see them. It's a fun time of the year for us with New Year's thrown in for good measure.
Random: Party Time. The reason I chose this post is because I can't believe how much my life has changed since I started this blog a year ago. The stitches and craft show left us all on such a high and I realised how wonderful it is to be a part of such a lovely on line (and off) craft community.
It's been a pretty good year I think and I can honestly say I'm quite proud of myself. I have made stuff all my life but hadn't done much at all since I had the children. Now my head is just bursting with ideas and every day there is something new and inspiring to be seen on someone's lovely blog. So even though I probably spend far too much time reading blogs, I think it has definitely made me much, much more productive.
Anyway I don't think I'll tag anyone with this, but if you are keen to give it a go - be my guest!
Now to a bit of crafty eye candy. Look what arrived in the mail for me today from Amy at Lucy Kate Crafts.

How completely adorable is 'Rosie' and she is so beautifully made. Amy also included some divine fabric which is perfect for my sofa quilt fabric stash. A lovely and generous prize Amy - thank you so very much!
And I will leave you with a few photos of my latest finished project. The wedding quilt is finished except for the label.

I'm really happy with the quilting. It is a blossom pattern and a great overall pattern for this quilt.

When I first chose the fabrics I really wanted to add a black and cream striped binding. Luckily I found just the thing and I absolutely love how it has come up.

It looks quite nice in my house - hope the newly weds like it for theirs!

So thanks to everyone who reads my blog wherever you are. It is so rewarding to receive feedback about my creations and you are all a real inspiration to me.
I think that means I should do a blog anniversary giveaway!!! Leave a comment by this Sunday 13th and I will pick a winner on Monday which allows for the time difference. I think it has to be an apron - don't you!
Looking forward to the next year of posts.
Happy Anniversary! And to think I only discovered your blog in the last few months... I have to go back into your archives now! Congrats and I can't wait to see more throughout the years. R
Congrats on your Blogversary! We are relatively new to the blogging world but after seeing the snapshot of your last year, we are going to have to go back through the older posts. Love the striped binding on your quilt - it looks so effective. Best wishes, Lisa and Sarah
happy blogiversary!
Looove the quilt....great work :)
Congratulations! I love seeing what you're up to. Here's to another year of creativity!
Happy Blogversary!
I love coming to see what you've done. Beautiful stuff!
I really enjoy your blog and all of the links that you provide to other blogs. You inspired me to work on my first quilt for my sons 3rd birthday. I'm all the way across the world in Barbados (crafting alone I think), but I hope that the crafting bug hits here soon. Cheers! Suzanne
Wow! The wedding quilt turned out beautifully! I can't believe it's only been a year!! It seems like so much longer. I love your blog and always look forward to your updates. Happy Blogiversary!!!
I really can't believe that your lovely blog is only a year old - it seems so very well established. And goodness, what an amazing year you have had - I'm so pleased Ali did manage to persuade you to start blogging! Wishing you a happy first birthday and an even more exciting (is that possible?) year to follow. x
happy anniversary, wow look at all the beautiful things you've made in the last year!
and that wedding quilt is just gorgeous!!!
Congrats on the blogiversary!
What project is in the fourth row, column three? I LOVE it. Looks like I'm going to have to go searching your blog archives! :)
Congratulations on turning one! It certainly looks like you have made a whole heap of beautiful things in the last year!! I am looking forward to another year of great posts and inspiration!!
Congrats on 100! Hope you give us many more.
Hay Blogiversary!
I'm going to go check your flickr site to see larger pictures of some of your beautiful projects!
Happy Anniverary to you! I love your work - you have beautiful taste! Please include me in your give away.
Congratulations on reaching your 100th post. I am so pleased I decided to have a go at this blogging too. We have much in common, we share the same name, we are the same age, but blast I can't sew and you can! I really can't praise your work enough, you have a real talent for what you enjoy doing and I am sure you are going to gain more inspiration along the way to your 200th post. Please enter me into your giveaway for a lovely pinny! x
congrats on a year of blogging! I am so glad that I found your blog. you have had a very productive year!
Oooh, I love stripey binding! Happy Blog Birthday to you x
Congratulations! What amazing work in the past year. I love the striped binding -- it really pops when the quilt is on your armchair.
Congrats! Wow! Look at all you've done! That's really impressive.
You ought to be proud of yourself girl. You are amazing. With three children the same age as your, I honestly don't know how you do it.
I have enjoyed your blog so much. Enjoyed meeting you, and loved hearing about your adventures with my gorgeous friend Cathy.
Hip hip horray!
Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations, and I love the quilt :)
Congratulations with your one year anniverserie! I'm reading your blog for a month now, but I really enjoy it! I'm looking forward to the next year!
Congrats on your blogiversary and thanks for all the great eye candy over the year!
The wedding quilt is fabulous! I enjoy reading your blog and feeling inspired. Keep up the great work!
happy blog-versary!!
A very Happy Blogversary! Wow, you accomplished a lot this last year. The wedding quilt is wonderful! So much to see on your post.
Thank you for the joy!
Cheers to you Louise and heres to another year of wonderful crafting.
happy anniversary! i love you blog, and all the inspiration that it brings! i love all of your projects, and the quilt is beautiful!
Congrats on your blogaversary. Hope you have many more! Love that quilt by the way!
Well done on making your first bloggy year, Louise! You've been so super productive, it seems you've been blogging for longer. I'm constantly inspired by your creativity. Good luck for the next year!
And did I tell you I love your latest quilt. I think your friends will love it, too.
Happy Anniversary! I enjoy looking at your blog.
The quilt and the quilting are just lovely!
Happy blog anniversary.
oh congrats on 1 year of blogging! time flies when you're having fun!!!!
I nearly got that 9 patch pattern today and looks great!!!!! well done
Happy Blogaversary Louise!!!! I can't wait to see what adventures you get up to this year....
Jodie ;)
Happy Blogverseiry!
Wow! One year old!!! I love your blog, it makes me smile..and gives me many ideas!
Looking forward to the coming year!
Love that quilt, great fabric choices. Happy "first birthday". :)
Congrats Louise! A year already? Wow, doesn't time fly! The Wedding quilt is a it.
I always look forward to reading your blog and seeing what lovely projects you have been up to, and can't wait to see what is around the corner too! You have inspired me to 'find' my sewing machine and crafty things again, and can't wait for our new house and a dedicated sewing room.
Congratulations on all you have achieved in the last year!
Happy Anniversary!!!
I LOVE reading your blog & checking out your great work...I was hoping you might have been at Amitie today so I could meet you & say hello.
Hope I win, I REALLY need an apron!
Happy Blogiversary to you. You do have a lovely and inspiring blog. And that wedding quilt is just gorgeous...I'm sure the happy couple will love it!!!
Congrats on your 1 yr celebration. Your blog is beuatiful and very inspiring. And that quilt is STUNNING!
Happy Blogoversary! Isn't our little corner (as internationally spread as it is ) of the blogoverse a lovely place?
I love that fabric you were sent, is it gernaium leaves or stylised flowers? The colours are fab.
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on a wonderful year. Your blog is such an incredible inspiration to me. I am so happy to have gotten to know you!
The quilt here is stunning. It is just so beautiful!
Happy Bloggiversary!!! Love the Wedding quilt. I would never have chosen those colours but they look fabulous!! (I made an apron yesterday. It made me very happy!!)
What a brilliant post. i enjoyed re-reading your Meme posts, you did a great job.
I find your blog soooo inspiring, true. I just need to do something about being inspired !! LOL!!
Happy 1st Blogging Anniversary! (I'll have a beer now since you suggested having a drink!!)
Happy Blog versary, you have done so much since you started this Blog you should be so proud of yourself. Love the finishing on the Wedding quilt, Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next,
Lisa x
happy blogiversary!
so glad the parcel arrived safely, it's always a bit nerve wracking posting something off when it's traveling so far away.
i really love the wedding quilt, the colours work so well together
happy blog lfe is so changed from the experiece.....wonderful opportunities.......
Happy anniversary! I love the quilt!
Happy 1st anniversary, sounds like it's been a fantastic year for you!
Love the quilt, the recipients will be thrilled.
Julia x
Happy anniversary of your blog! I knew you were made for each other - wishing you every success in the coming year.
Happy Bloggaversary, Louise. What a year you have had - it has been such an honour to have met you and now look what we are up to!!! Who would have thought? Without our blogs - what would we be doing with our time?
See you on Tuesday .....
I enjoy reading your blog....thanks for the inspiration!!
Congratulations Louise! I so love your blog and I am delighted that we have gotten to know each other. I wish you all the best with your new venture and what will be an amazing upcoming year! Hear's to your 2nd year! PS you must tell me how to do the photo groupings it looks fantastic!
Looks like it has been a great year and productive! All the photos of your work are beautiful, especially the recent black and cream quilt. Very nice.
Happy anniversary! You seem to have had a very creative and productive year.
Louise, wow a year already. Where does the time go? I love the beautiful quilt, it has come up s beautifully and the quilting is stunning. You have inspired me to give quilting a go and I am looking forward to getting started. I love reading your blog, and I wish it and you a happy blogversary.
Happy 1st blogiversary. So glad that you joined in all the fun. I love the wedding quilt, it looks quite stunning. The Rosie kitty is such a cutie too.
A big congratulations on your one year anniversary! What a fabulous milestone! :) I look forward to more from your amazing creativity!
Congratulations! Hope there are many more to come.
happy blogversary
wow - only one year - i love your creations and yes i think the prize must be one of your gorgeous aprons
Hey a bit congrats to you Louise! I love your wedding quilt - it looks absolutely divine on that 'almost (but not quite) as divine' red chair! Sorry I missed you at Amitie -I was so tempted to go back on Saturday, for all of those 'but what about that one' bits and pieces, but alas, could not. What a store! What a lucky gal you are to go there every week and they pay you for it!
congratulations on one year. Your work is so gorgeous and I have loved popping in over the past 12 months!!!
Congratulations! I came across your blog in the last few months and have been enjoying it very much. It was lovely to read the snapshot of your year. You've achieved so much! I loved your personalised cherry totes, they are fabulous!
Here's to Lululollylegs!!
I saw a little peek of my quilt in the retrospective. Yeah!
Happy Anniversary!! I love your blog and get so inspired by what your doing!
happy anniversary. goodness, all of your creations are so inspiring! and the wedding quilt is gorgeous!
Happy blogversary!!!
That wedding quilt is amazing, absolutely gorgeous. And look at all the fab stuff you've made in the past year, wow!!!!
Here's to many more *chink of glasses*
Well I didn't make the cutoff but I did want to say happy blog-o-versary. The wedding quilt is stunning. I love the contrast between the black and cream edging and the tonal qualities throughout are very balanced. It is a perfect mix of masculine and feminine.
Happy Anniversary Louise !!
You have really grown so much in a years time.
Cheers to you, my blogging friend!
Congratulations on your Blogiversary. It is such a wonderful blogging world out there isn't it.
Glasses raised to your next year.
Cheers Fiona
hey you!
i read this post right before i headed out the door for my vacation. (was that really that long ago?)
happy anniversary! and thanks a gazilaon for all your inspiration!!! xo
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