Yes my middle girl started school and she looked so very little when she put her school dress on.

After initial nerves it all went well and she had a really great day!

And look at what my biggest girl has been up to.

We made this together and she won a prize over here. Check out all the gorgeous Melly and Me patterns - they are super cute and super easy to follow!
But not as cute as my big girls!!!
Your daughter is quite crafty! She did a wonderful job and she deserved her award!
Congratulations to your eldest on winning over at Melly and Me! The kitty looks brilliant.
Wow! I hadn't realised that was your daughter that had won - very impressed - and a very well deserved win!
So pleased that the she had a nice first day - what a wonderful sign, nothing like that at our school, more barked away with instructions not to loiter!
I saw your daughter's cat over on Melly & Me - very cute!!
Just wait till it's Daphne's turn - I am just realizing that the smallest starting school might just be the biggest deal of all for us Mummies! And congratulations Chloe - your kitty looks a well deserved winner!
Wow, two big girls. Kate started yesterday too. Feel very funny to be sending the two of them off again today. I am sure I will get used to it.
Eddie starting will be a different story!
That is such a sweet photo of your little one by the door- she looks a little apprehensive.
Excellent job on the kitty-Congratulations.
congrats on a great first day at prep. very Brave.
luv Abby
Thanks so much for the mention and we are also so thrilled that Chloe won!!! I hope she will enjoy her second Melly & me creation as much. i absolutely LOVE, LOVE LOVE the quilt you made for you mum - how delicious!!!!
Wonderful kitty softie! So cool your daughter is turning out very crafty, just like mummy.
Yes indeed, those big girls are VERY cute. Middle girl looks adorable all dressed for school -- love the shot with the hat. And oldest with kitty? How fabulous -- and congrats on her win!
Glad to hear it all went well for the big Prep girl, Lou! Did you need those tissues? ;) Ben had his first day of 4YO Kinder, so it was wonderful to have the whole day to myself...for a change!
Congratulate Chloe for me, the kitty is gorgeous!
Did you need the tissues? I would have! My son starts kinder next term & I will be a mess.
Your daughter did a great job- congrats!
Oh congratulations to your daughter on winning a prize over at Melly & Me. She did a fabulous job on creating her little Kitty. Isnt it nice when children have a lovely first day at school, it seems to make it easier to return the next day!
So I see we share children the same age as well as a love of quilting & of course Amitie! Thank you again for stopping by and commnting on my two Prepies! What beautiful girls you have. School is such a huge thing ... for us all! My youngest starts 3yo kinder on Wednesday too many changes for one Mummy!Good luck for Tuesday
Lovely photos !
Did you need the offered tissues ?
Good luck on your first day - I will try and pop over and say hi !
Congratulations on your daughter's winning the competition! she is really talented - just like her mother! And it was so sweet to see your other daughter starting school. How exciting for all of you but especially for her. Happy weekend to you!
Glad the first day at school went well. I cried every day for the first week when Ruth went (out of sight of course!). Lovely kitty too.
Cathy XX
Oh my, so nice of the school to provide you with tissues! I know I would need them. And I saw your biggest girl over on the Melly and Me site. Congrats!
oh! such a special day. the first day of school.
love to see the talent trickling down the generations!!!
she did a fantastic job.
I saw your big girl and miss kitty on Melly and Me - congratulations!!! Glad middle one enjoyed her first day. School is lots of fun - that's why I still go!
Your big girls are gorgeous! Thanks for the lovely comments, I haven't a clue what magazine it is, but will let you know when I find out. Take care
Bless her ! My little one starts in September, she'll be 4.5 yrs and I'll need a BIG box o tissues.
Love the school sign & love the kitty. A very talented daughter you have there.
aww your little girls are beautiful! and well done to your daughter on her prize!
Well done on the prize - what a great job!
My smallest started pre school the other week, it was tears all round, I sat in the car for ages blubbing big fat tears (he's been at part time day care for a while but it made me realise only one more year before full time school...he's too small, can't I just keep him for a bit longer???)
I love that they had tea and tissues. I might require a whole box of tissues when my big girl starts in September. What a talented needle smith you have there!
What lovely young girls. Congrats on the win. I love that your daughters are so creative at such an early age. You will be creating together for a long wonderful time.
i love her curls.
I have to agree with Ali..it is the smallest one starting that is the sadest thing.
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