So I can finally show you my secret project.

We went for afternoon tea and presented her with this!

It's based on Judy Newman's lovely pattern 'Vintage Comfort'. Because I wanted it to go on a queen sized bed I had to adapt it slightly by taking out the smaller blocks and then added a yellow sashing and border.

Now I just have to hand quilt it - and hopefully she will get it some time before her 80th!!

Happy Birthday Mum!!!
Louise, the quilt is beautiful and your mum is even more so. Happy 70th Birthday! What a loverly gift.
Lovely! The colors are gorgeous and so is your mom! Good luck on the quilting...
wow wow wow !!! it's fantastic, i bet your mum is over the moon with her new quilt.Lovely colours for a lovely lady.
Sarah x
What a wonderful present!!
Happy birthday to your mum!
What a wonderful present, she certainly doesn't look 70!
Absolutely gorgeous... as usual! I love tuning into your blog; it's always so cozy and sweet!
wow, it looks great! and so does your mom- i never would have guessed her age!
It is beautiful! Happy Birthday to your mom.
Aren't you just the bestest daughter! Apart from the part when you outed your Mum as a 70 year old. Because she does not look it at all. So Happy Birthday to her and a big hooray for good genes!
ohhhh lousie that is beauiful... well done. Wow your mum is sooooo gorgeous I can't believe she is 70 I hope you had a wonderful day.
luv Abby
I was going to ask how you had quilted it - so your going to hand quilt it. It will be beautiful, hopefully you will be a bit more speedy about it than I have Edward's cot quilt.
Happy Birthday to your mum.
wow- that quilt looks beautiful, guess you have many nights in front of the tv ahead of you to hand quilt it!
Hope I look as good as your mum when I am 70!
My goodness your mum looks fabulous for 70!! And what a wonderful gift. It is stunning...
It's gorgeous...and so is the wrapping!
Super fab quilt, Louise! Your mum must feel so chuffed. Lovely colours and piecing...great pattern.
Wow... Your work is just gorgeous!!! Those colours are so vibrant... Your mum could pass for 50, not 70... I hope I look half as good as she does at her age. What's her secret???
oh this is beautiful! such a fantastic present! -kb
Beautiful fabrics. I love it!!
Beautiful!!! and the quilt is pretty too!!
what a beautiful quilt for your beautiful mother!
What a wonderful quilt, your mum must have been delighted.
No wonder she looks so happy getting that for a present!!! Happy Birthday - she's looking good for 70, isn't she?
That quilt is beautiful! I was nosing around at some of your earlier posts and have some good ideas to use when my sewing machine finds its way home. I hope this isn't prying, but is your hubby Armenian by any chance? I have gained my mother-in-laws penchant for spotting Armenians (even when they aren't), although I know they have some family in Australia so it isn't too much of a stretch. Long story for such a short question. I am glad to have met you and your blog even if he isn't!
You're crazy! I've never hand quilted anything. That quilt is just gorgeous though, good luck.
What a lovely gift. That is very special.
Louise it is just gorgeous. She must have been thrilled. The colours are divine.. Your mum looks so happy.
Oh well my radar is off, but still there is alot of food in common at least. I brought my sewing machine home tonight and I have plans for aprons and bags. I hope I can channel some of your creativity!
OHMYGOSH Louise! It's beautiful! You've done well to keep it such a secret. And your mother is so beautiful too -- Happy Birthday to her!
The quilt looks great - bright and sunny. Must make you get up in a great mood every day - what a lovely present for your mum.
the quilt looks great, Louise, I hope the weather cools down for you so you can begine quilting it.
Who looks just like their mum????!!!!
She looks great for 70!
What a gorgeous quilt, and how happy ( and young ! ) does your mum look with it ?
What a good daughter you are :)
What a gorgeous quilt!
That's a beautiful quilt! Great job on it :)
Great Quilt! Your mom does not look 70! I love your blog! I was tagged by Cookie to play a game and answer questions. I was asked to choose four people and tag them. I have chosen you as one of my four. If you would like to play, please go to my blog and pick up the questions, then post your answers on your blog and tag four more people. Love your blog~keep up the great work.
Happy 70th to your mum. I hope I look that good when I turn 70. Your mum's quilt is gorgeous and I can see from her smile that she loves it too. What a wonderful present.
What a wonderful gift for your mother! The quilt is so beautiful. She must have cried with joy and pride that her daughter would be so creative and thoughtful. Your mom looks like a lovely woman who radiates warmth.
oh louise! your mother looks absolutely does the gorgeous quilt!!!
hope her day was fantastic. :)
(and i KNOW you will get that quilted soon)
Happy belated birthday to your mum! What a beautiful quilt! Such a lovely present
Hope I look as good as that at 70!
Gorgeous quilt, well done.
Julia xx
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